Compassionate & Capable Legal Services in Glastonbury, CT

Legal Services in Glastonbury, CT

Children have so much potential, and it is the responsibility of parents and the school system to help youngsters achieve success. However, some students experience challenges in their education due to various disabilities. As a parent, you may not be happy about the school’s response and accommodation of your child’s needs. When this happens, turn to The Law Office of Terry Bedard for legal services in Glastonbury, CT.

As an attorney, I represent the parents of children with special needs. I have an in-depth understanding of education law. Consult with me when you believe your child’s needs have not been met.

Fees for Consulting

Consulting and Legal Services in Glastonbury, CT

My mission is to provide consulting and legal services for children with disabilities from ages 3 to 21, as well as higher education students in college with disabilities who have been denied their civil rights. It should not have to fall to parents to incur financial hardship of hiring an attorney to fight for their children’s educational needs.

I charge a flat fee that includes my time for records review and representation from PPTs through mediation. About 98% of cases are resolved through mediation, but for parents who opt for a due process hearing, a separate fee arrangement could be arranged. This separate fee agreement would cover preparation for and representation. 

A flat fee also is charged for representation for students with disabilities of any age. This includes post-secondary/college students who have been discriminated against or not provided reasonable accommodations in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal statutes.

Fees for Legal Services

I am also available to consult with parents who wish to advocate for their child themselves. In this way, they have legal counsel who can step in if needed. For this service, a flat fee would be charged that covers a consulting arrangement to help you understand your legal rights and how to advocate effectively for those rights. I have found the better you advocate for your child consistently through each school year both in and out of PPTs, the greater success you may have in reaching your child’s educational goals.

Available for Speaking Services

Legal Counsel in Glastonbury, CT

Speaking in front of groups about how to best advocate for children and students is also a passion of mine. I have frequently given presentations for parents and professionals throughout Connecticut about federal and state education law and protecting the educational rights of persons with disabilities.  Most importantly, I provide practical tips and strategies for parents and students to apply in their own situations that can lead to educational success. Reach out to my office to schedule a presentation.

Contact me today to represent you before the schools or the courts concerning your child’s special education rights. I proudly serve customers in Glastonbury, CT, and the surrounding area.